Sons In Retirement (SIR) is a non-profit public benefit corporation for retired men. SIR assists men in renewing old friendships and
making new friends through SIR activities. Having fun is our goal. We have more than 20,000 members in 150 Branches throughout northern
California from Bakersfield to the Oregon border and Lake Tahoe to the Pacific Ocean.
Membership is open to men retired from full-time
occupation, regardless of age, race, color or religion. There are no dues, fees or assessments. Member volunteers staff, administer
and govern all Branch activities. Voluntary member contributions provide for these activities. SIR supports no outside cause or interest.
We prohibit discussions of politics and religion or the selling of anything to any member. The only requirements to join SIR are that
a man be retired, or semi-retired, be able to attend the monthly luncheons, and be sponsored by an active member.
Each Branch has
monthly luncheon meetings where Sirs renew old friendships and establish new ones. Speakers are invited to speak on topical subjects
of general interest. Most Branches have summer and winter luncheons where wives, partners and guests are invited.
For more information,
visit the
SIR Inc. website